It was a typical Sunday in the South for me - I was at the restaurant waitressin' my heart out and my shift was winding down when the bell on the front door jingled. I looked up to see two very out of place looking men(if I haven't mentioned it yet - I live IN. THE. COUNTRY. Y'ALL.) standing there looking around and checking their iPhones. I greeted them with my trademark "Hey y'all, You can sit where you like." They sat down in the other girl's section and she got their drink order. She and I met up in the server's room and within a few moments decided that 1. they must be lost. 2. Due to how sharply they were dressed, how marvelous they smelled and how deep in conversation they were - they MUST be a gay couple.
I was rather intrigued to know how they happened to land out in the boondocks so I began sweeping a little bit of her section. The taller of the two spoke to me and asked how long the restaurant had been there and if I was native to the town. <heart in throat>. The moment I heard his voice it captured my attention like a marching band. (100% serious y'all. This was a straight Bella sees Edward/Sookie sees Bill moment) I caught my composure and began talking lightly with him. Turns out, he and his 'partner' were photographers out on a 'photo fieldtrip' in the country. His partner was also a very nice looking guy but the one with the green eyes HAD my attention. They took some pictures of the restaurants and the sister oaks in the field next door and were gone. Just. Like. That. - Gone :( I shrugged and thought to myself - where is the guy for me that will hold my attention like THAT guy just did?
A few moments later I heard a knock on the side door. It was 'green eyes'. I opened the door and he stared me straight in the eyes and asked for directions. I gave them to him. He reached out to shake my hand, told me it was a pleasure to have met me and gave me his name - Devin(Cason is his middle name which I think is hot) and asked mine. I gave it, and with a smile he was gone again. Okay - insert pouty lipped red headed foot stomp here- WHY in the stars did he have to be gay? #unhappyginger
The following Tuesday he returned with a girl. I, yet again, was waitressing and thought to myself..awwww..he brought his shopping friend in for cute :) Ummmm...NOPE. Cut to me busting back through the kitchen door to tell my co-worker two important things - 1. he is NOT gay. 2. He is ON A DATE!! Yet again....#unhappyginger .....Here is where I resolved that she must be a lucky woman, put my big' girl panties on and treated them with the same respect and courtesy I treat all of my customers. FASTFORWARD---to the following week. Cason walks in and sits down at the bar. I am....guess what...WAITRESSING(you see a pattern here, right?) I poured him a drink and asked how his week was and...oh. so. smoothly. asked where his girlfriend was that evening. He looked up and very seriously told me "she is not my girlfriend, we parted ways." (picture now - me in the kitchen doing the happy dance and telling my co-worker he is single). But alas, who was I to think he would give me the time of day? #realitycheck
I waited on him several times in the next two weeks. He had a very good sense of humor and quickly
became friends with the regulars at the bar. One Tuesday morning I received a call from the receptionist at my full time job that there was a bouquet of white day lilies on my truck. I asked her if she saw who put them there and she said no. I retrieved them and asked everyone I knew(since there was NO card) if they had given flowers to what I had come to call myself - 'the divorced girl at work'. Finally I gave up my inquiry and resolved it must have been a mistake. After all, there are hundreds of trucks like mine.
The following Tuesday night I am talking with my boss at the bar and in walks Cason. He sits down and I pour him a drink. He smiles and asks me if anything 'interesting' happened at work this week. JAW. HITS. FLOOR. as I realized it was him that left me the flowers.( Evidentally - I am a classic red head and talk WAY too much, so much that he was able to over hear where I worked at full time.) I will NEVER forget the words he said to me next. They are branded in my memory. He gazed at me with those big green eyes and said - ' I've gathered enough information to know you haven't had the best of luck in love and I know its not easy for you - BUT that's okay. I'm here. Not going anywhere.Whenever you are ready to let me take you to dinner - I'm sitting on GO.'
This was one year ago TODAY. Let me tell y'all. It's been the very BEST. YEAR. OF. MY. LIFE. - The GFG
This story makes me so very happy! :'-)