I have placed myself this morning one one of the couches in our sitting area all wrapped up in the blanket that was my father's favorite and I have the morning light coming through the blinds behind me and the low sounds of clothes dancing in the dryer down the hall. I am sipping on my green smoothie as I begin day six in the 'Detox Zone'. Its been an interesting ride so far. As I've said before - each day starts with a green smoothie(which tastes good but the looks of it freaks my co-workers OUT), lunch consists of fruits and veggies and dinner is one serving of meat and more fruits and veggies. In between is raw nuts and seeds.
What I've learned so far - Detoxing can make you QUITE sick the first week. As your body starts releasing all the 'Yuck' from your lymphatic system it can make you feel down right awful. The last two days have been Less. Than. Stellar. To say the LEAST. #sickginger
But I woke up this morning feeling some better.(though this may be the last of the Nyquil that's still gloriously in my blood stream). #brightside - My mind is SO clear y'all! Even through the sick stage my mind has been enjoying this 'house cleaning' ordeal. I've lost 7 pounds as of this morning and don't deal with the crazy food cravings that come when eating carbohydrate loaded foods and dairy products. All in all I have to say its going well. More updates to come! - The GFG
Bravo! Standing ovation.