So I've been reading about different lifestyles and if you know me you are fully aware that I'm always trying to lose the last 15 pounds....hence the 'hour and a half glass' figure that I rock. Don't get me wrong- I don't berate or dislike myself. I'd just prefer to enhance it to just an hour glass figure:)
I'm interested in leaving the 'dieting' realm behind and learning more about how other cultures maintain healthy body weights and lifestyles. In a rather 'racey' novel I'm currently reading(no, I won't give the title. My grandmother wouldn't like that) there is a pattern or behavior that has intrigued me greatly.
For the sake of keeping things on PG level lets just say that the character in this novel is constantly aware of how much and how often she eats. She choses her meals with the constant awareness that she may need to immediatley 'run a mile or climb a mountain' right after she lowers her fork or spoon. It kinda makes ya think twice about the extra helping or second cocktail, eh?
So I started my own experiment today. For the next three days I will eat as if after each meal I will need to stand up and immediatley 'run a mile or climb a rock wall'. I think its an exciting awareness adventure. The character speaks of how clear her mind becomes and how focused she is able to be by eating when she is hungry, in small amounts and only enough to sustain her for increments of four hours. I plan to document this lil' experiment of mine. #scientificginger
Well now...time to stop talkin' bout it and get to it! Back with details. Laters y'all! - The GFG
You rock, ... period.