First of all - an update on the 'awareness experiment'. It is AWESOME!! Eating just 'enough' is
the way to do it y'all. No more feeling grody n' junk after meals and losing all the energy you
have towards other events in your day! Its now part of the 'Ginger lifestyle'. :)
Now....on another note - Neal Boortz(aka the Talkmaster of talk radio whom I NOW follow
on twitter. Incase you didn't can follow me if you choose @tabbitweets)talked
yesterday for almost a half hour about his battle with gluten intolerance and how living this
lifestyle has improved his mental clarity and over all quality and outlook on life. While it
saddens me that he has to live the way I also reminds me that I am not alone in this
battle. I woke up this morning wondering what sort of gluten free breakfast he may be having
and how relieving it is to know that there is at least one other human being out there that
understands the 'crazy' that descends upon me when I get 'glutenized'. He mentioned
a book called 'Wheat Belly' by William Davis. I'd already been offered this book by my
dear friend David and accidentally forgot to bring it home. I will be borrowing it ASAP
to soak up what knowledge it has to offer me.(FYI-if David offered it - ITS GOOD. He
is like Yoda. Seriously y'all.)
They say misery loves company- guess I am no exception to this well worn statement!
Hope you all have a shiny and happy day. - The GFG
Yoda's taller.