Monday, May 21, 2012

Scary Stories n' Such...

I am currently reading 'Wheat Belly' by William Davis - and it might very well be the
scariest story I've ever read - AND. THAT'S. SAYIN'. SOMETHIN. As I turn each
page and read more I become angrier about the cloud of ignorance that has been placed
over consumers. We don't eat REAL wheat. We eat a genetically modified 'Franken-wheat'
that is so altered that its breaking down people like me and destroying MY quality of
life. Its in EVERYTHING that comes in a box, bag or can. Items you would never
even think of are saturated with this science fiction food that causes a plethora of health
issues in our world. The hilarity of it is the FDA is patting themselves on the back for
helping to end world hunger with this 'wheat' that grows at an un-natural rate. HELLO!
You've merely swapped world hunger for world wide disease. #youSUCK

And, YES, I am aware that not all people are gluten intolerant on the level that I am-BUT
take a look around you. Just because others don't experience depression, pain, inflammation
and hair loss - they DO have issues with 'Franken-wheat'. Fifty years ago before we
started eating this crap women and men didn't have to get up for a morning workout
and hit the gym in the evening to be at a healthy body weight. They worked for sure
but not as many hours as we do now. The difference is the quality of food they ate
far surpassed the slop we get handed from a bag in a drive-thru window. One in three
people in our current society are obese. Whose to say the other two are actually
healthy and un-affected by this science project gone horribly wrong? Perhaps their
symptoms are just masked or less severe. The food and lifestyle of my home are about
to DRASTICALLY change. I don't plan make Gamer Boy live on Tofu and seeds
but he will see a big differences in the items that land on his snack shelf and what
he has put in front of him for dinner. He may not like it very much - but I am his
Mom - not his friend. Its my job to give him the best of me and that includes
the very best fuel for his body. Sorry today's little blip wasn't very shiny...not
all things in life can be. Butterflies, glitter and better days to come. May you
all have a 'Franken-wheat' free day. - The GFG

1 comment:

  1. "Perhaps their symptoms are just masked or less severe."

