Wednesday, August 29, 2018

First post in FOREVAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hiya Internet folks! I was able to reactivate my blog just in time to go on a gluten free vacation! Thanks to Carnival Cruise Lines, my reservation is flagged and all my menus will be "Tabbi appropriate". This promises to be a far less stressful vacation than I've ever experienced. Its been AGES since I felt really good about my way of eating. In a way, going silent online was me giving myself a free pass to ignore my allergy to wheat and just pretend to be one of the masses who wake up daily, eat food, and don't have to think about it. That free pass was more of a ticket to the crazy train for a very long time. I'm not saying I've done AWFUL. I found and followed a Ketogenic Diet for a while. That boasted some weight loss and got me off all grains. It also came with bonus features of the less than glitter kind like loss of hair, a sense of robotic gloom and way less energy to just DO LIFE. In the wise words of my PC - "health and happiness are the measurment. Weight isn't." So, I'm up in some pounds AND in some wisdom. Today is Day 4 of being back 110% gluten free. And that is OK. :) xoxo- The GFG