Monday, July 16, 2012

Move It And Lose It

Hi y'all! It's been a while since I checked in on my little corner of the interwebs. Life. Is. FULL. :) Cason and I have been going NON STOP for the last few weeks or so it seems. We have the good fortune of constantly enjoying the company of good friends.

I recently joined a Jazzercise class and I PuffyHeartLOVE it!!! My instructor Melody is one of the cutest little things I've ever seen. She is just bursting with energy and welcomed me into her class with a bright and loving spirit. Jazzercise is recess to me. It's teaching me to control my muscles and it is also the best one hour stress reducing therapy I've ever encountered! I've now lost four pounds and I look forward to going every chance I can. Stay tuned for more adventures in exercising. - The GFG

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