Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pondering Ginger...

I've been living 99% pain free(as long as I eat right) and am 97% emotionally
 normal(who are we kidding here? Normal is merely a perception anyway) since June of 2010...AND I've done this with ZERO medication. Before being introduced to my 'good health fairy' Lori(if this is your first visit to my corner of the interwebs you can read all about her at my regular doctor pushed me toward anti-depressants. Now y'all...if you have ever met me in person, you know GOOD and dang well that I do NOT suffer from depression. There are times that I need to turn down the volume on my personality but rest assured that its always pretty shiny. (UNLESS. I. DON'T. EAT. RIGHT.)#emoginger

So, you can probably figure for yourself that the suggestion of putting a happy person on anti-depressants just didn't add up for me. I knew that the mood swings and pain weren't always there and that something had to be causing it. FASTFORWARD---->back to present day. I am sitting here this evening pondering the label of 'depression'. I am fully aware that there are people who truly have chemical imbalances and anti-depressants balance their systems just as insulin does for a diabetic. I do not in any way question or discredit their daily battle. What I am pondering many folks have walked into a doctors office and been handed a bottle of anti-depressants when they are in fact NOT depressed but have food intolerances like me? How many women pop a pill once or twice a day to only feel half as shiny as I do when they could meet up with Lori, take a different path and skip on down the yellow brick road?

This thought seems to be growing inside my head like a magic bean stalk. Its rooted, sprouted and I want to get the word out to the world about natural medicine and the importance of keeping your mind open and not always accepting the first diagnosis. After all---they do call it PRACTICING medicine. Our bodies and minds are complex organisms that are capable of doing amazing and REALLY.FREAKING. WEIRD. going into an emotional breakdown on the shampoo isle in Ingles because you ate birthday cake. *sigh* As I go through my own battles I am reminded that we are all the same species. We all breath air. We all bleed red. AND its likely that there are MANY more people like me out there...Bless. Their. Hearts. - The GFG

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