Wednesday, April 25, 2012


So its Wednesday.....aka 'hump day'. Boy is it EVER true for me today. The timespan from now until 9:30 tonight when I finish up being a secretary and a waitress seems about as long as FOREVER. #headdesk..............................Perhaps those two(really don't count) bites of pizza last night were a bad choice, eh? Hey, don't judge to harshly...salad(even my boss's EPIC strawberry salad) just doesn't do it all of the time.

Today is one of those days when I wind up at a 'choice' of sorts...after all(stealing from
my friend Steven's birthday post yesterday) "life is merely a series of choices. We all have
them. We all make them. CHOOSE." Right now I am teeterin' between being grumpy for
 a little while or walking outside, taking a deep breath, soaking up all the AWESOMENESS
 of my co-workers and be-boppin' in Abigail on my morning trip to the post office. The
easy choice is the former. Since I always have to take the left-handed path...I am going to
chose the latter. #rebelginger

So here's to a good 80's hair metal song coming on the radio and a good laugh at the
confused collegiates at Emory University on their way to becoming shapers of our
future as they stand on the corners of the campus I drive through to get to the post
office SMOKING cigarettes every day as I passe them. Even though I see it every
day - I. STILL. SAY- WTH? Happy Wednesday ya'll. -The GFG

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