Friday, March 23, 2012

Hello Glorious Friday!

Thank. The. LAWD! Its Friday and I made it through the caffeine withdrawal doldrums :)
Bounced out of bed this morning and my mind is clearer than the Spring water sitting on my desk. Better YET - I am just bubbling with energy. #Loriwasrighty'all

Cason actually attempted yesterday to go caffeine free with me. He made it all of about 12 hours and then sucked down about a liter of Coke over dinner. Amazing. Wonderful. Supportive. Man. #hetried

So now that I am actually off my drug of choice I am pondering at what I shall do
with all the money I will save and(random, I know) how will I still be using 'Rosey'(our Keurig)?
I love her and won't be  boxing her up anytime soon :) My mind wonders to this question - what do hippies drink? Well, duh. Water of course. Perhaps wine(Yay!- screams my inner Goddess), but what about hot drinks for when I just really want to hold my super awesome mug that Gamer Boy gave me for Mother's Day?

Looks like Google shall be my friend on answering this question :) So I am off to the 'interwebs' to find some form of delicious 'replacement ambrosia' for when I finish my 10 day excursion into fairytale hippie'dom. Wish me luck y'all. Happy Friday! #fistpump - The GFG

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